National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) Exam Results 2024_2

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National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) Exam Results 2024_2

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National Open University of Nigeria has released the 2024_2 semester examination results. Students can check their results online through the school portal. Continue reading for the step-by-step guide on how to access results.

NOUN Releases 2024_2 Semester Examination Results

The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has announced the release of the 2024_2 semester examination results.

All students can now access their results through the official school portal.

Steps to Check NOUN Exam Results

Follow these steps to view the results:

Method 1: Through the Support Portal

  1. Visit the NOUN Support Portal at NOUN Support Portal.
  2. Click on “Login” to access the student dashboard.
  3. Enter Matriculation Number as the username.
  4. Use “default” as the password if it has not been changed.
  5. Change the password after the first login.
  6. Click on “Result Statement” to view the complete results, including CGPA and outstanding courses.

Method 2: Through the Student Portal

  1. Go to the NOUN Student Portal at NOUN Student Portal.
  2. Login with Matriculation Number and Password.
  3. Click on “My Progress” to view all examination results.

Important Information

  • Students must update passwords if logging in for the first time.
  • The results include CGPA and outstanding courses.
  • All students should verify their scores and report any discrepancies through official channels.

Students should complete these steps as soon as possible.

Olusegun Fapohunda

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This post is authored by , the founder and editor of MySchoolGist.

Boasting over a decade of expertise in the education sector, Olusegun offers current insights into educational trends, career opportunities, and the latest news.

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