MOUAU Academic Calendar for 2018/2019 Session (Revised)
MOUAU Academic Calendar for 2018/2019 Session (Revised)
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Michael Okpara University of Agriculture (MOUAU) Academic Calendar for 2018/2019 Session

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, MOUAU Approved Academic Calendar for first and second semester, 2018/2019 academic session has been published.

MOUAU academic calendar

THIS is to inform the general public and all the students of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike that the management has released the proposed 2018/2019 Academic Calendar.

MOUAU Academic Calendar 2018/2019

First Semester

Sunday 21st October 2018 Fresh Students return for 2018/2019 Academic Session
Monday 22nd – Friday 26th October 2018 Registration of Fresh students
Sunday 23rd February 2019 Old students return for 2018/2019 Academic Session
Monday 25th February – Friday 6th March 2019 Orientation of Fresh students/Registration of Old Students
Monday 4th March 2019 Lectures begin for both Fresh and Old Students
Monday 4th  – Friday 8th March 2019 Late Registration: Add/Drop Registration including application for Excess Credit Load
Friday 22nd  March 2019 Matriculation for Fresh Students
Friday 14th June 2019 Lectures End
Monday 17th June – Friday 21st June 2019 Revision
Monday 24th June – Friday 15th July 2019 First Semester Examination
Friday 15th July 2019 First Semester Ends
Lectures 15 weeks
Revision 1 week
Examination 3 weeks
Total 19 weeks


Second Semester

Sunday 28th July 2019 Students return to Campus for Second Semester 2018/2019 academic session
Monday 29th July 2019 Lectures begin with Regular Registration
Friday 2nd August 2019 Regular Registration Ends
Monday 5th August – Friday 9th August 2019 Late Registration: Add/Drop Registration including application for Excess Credit Load
Monday 16th September  –Friday 20th September 2019 Students Union Activities
Friday 8th November 2019 Lectures End
Monday 11th  – 15th November 2019 Revision
Monday 18th November – Monday 9th December 2019 Second Semester Examination
Monday 9th December 2019 Non-graduating students vacate the campus/ End of 2018/2019 academic session
Monday 9th December – Friday 20th December 2019 External Examination
Monday 6th January 2020 Consideration of Results
Sunday 19th January 2020 Resumption of 2019/2020 session
Lectures 15 weeks
Revision 1 week
Examination 3 weeks
Student Union Activities 1 week
Total 20 weeks

Recent entry: MOUAU Undergraduate School Fees

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