OSUSTECH Expel 4 Students and Suspend 16 others (Pictures) - Latest Nigerian University and Polytechnic News
OSUSTECH Expel 4 Students and Suspend 16 others (Pictures) - Latest Nigerian University and Polytechnic News
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Home » ONDO STATE UNIVERSITY oF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (OSUSTECH) » OSUSTECH Expel 4 Students and Suspend 16 others (Pictures)

OSUSTECH Expel 4 Students and Suspend 16 others (Pictures)

The Ondo State University of Science and Technology, OSUSTECH released Names of expelled Students and also their pictures.
OSUSTECH Releases Names Of Expelled Students

The latest report reaching us here at has it that the school authority of Ondo State University of Science and Technology has published names of students that has been expelled from the institution.

The school management does not disclose the reason why the students were expelled.
But information has it that they were expelled for physically assaulting their colleagues on campus.

NigeriaSchool was also reliably informed that the the management equally suspended 16 other students that were involved in various examination malpractice for two semesters.

The names, pictures, department and other details of the expelled students are contained on the attached pdf document below;

* If the attached .pdf is not opening, you can view the image below;

OSUSTECH Releases Names Of Expelled Students

* The students are advised to stay away from the school premises.

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