Yoruba YORUBA GENERAL OBJECTIVES The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Yoruba is to prepare the candidates for the Board's examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to: 1.stimulate and sustain their interest in Yoruba language, literature and culture; 2.acquire pasic knowledge and skill in Yoruba language, literature and material and non-material aspects of culture. STRUCTURE OF THE EXAMINATION The test will be of an objective type, candidates will answer fifty (50) multipie-choice questions covering all aspects of the syllabus: 1. LANGUAGE (a) Comprehensive (1 prose and I verse) 10 items (b) Sound system 05 items (c) Grammar 06 items (d) Current orthography 02 items (e) Translation 02 items 2. LITERATURE (a)Oral 06 items (b)Written 09 items 3. CULTURE 10 items TOTAL 50 items SECTION A TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES 1. LANGUAGE (a) Comprehension (i) Prose (ii)Verse OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i. identify central issues in a passage and draw appropriate conclusions; ii. determine basic assumptions and express ideas; iii. identify the meanings and functions of given phrases and sentences. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES (b) Sound System (i) Production of sounds (consonants and vowels) (ii) Tones, tone change and tonal transfer (iii) Syllabe structure (iv) Sound process (vowel harmony and co-occurrence, etc.) elision and contraction) (v) Loan-word integration OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: ia. identify organs of speech and speech sounds; i. determine their correct usages; ii. detect linguistic errors ; (pronunciations and wrong usages); iii. determine the syllable; components of words; iv. demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles underlying the relationship between sounds; vi.demonstrate knowledge of word adaption. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES c. Grammar i.Morphology - Word formation ii.Word Classes nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, etc. iii.Phrases and clauses types and functions. iv.Sentences types, structures and functions OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to i.Demonstrate good knowledge of word derivation; ii.Determine the appropriate use of words; iii.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Yoruba syntax; iv.Identify the types and functions of sentences; v.Demonstrate good knowledge of vocabulary. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES d. Current Orthography OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to i.Detect linguistic errors; ii.Present ideas in acceptable modern form, (oral and written); TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES e. Translation OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to i.vocabulary; ii.Interpret sentences and ideas in accordance with acceptable principles. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES 2. LITERATURE (a)Oral Literature: i.Prose Yemitan, O. ati Ogundele O. (1970) Oju Osupa (Apa keji), Ibadan: Oxford University Press. Itan 1 21 OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to i.Identify central issues, problems, the component parts of an idea presented in a work; ii.Draw appropriate conclusions iii.Identify the figurative and idiomatic expressions in the text iv.Demonstrate the knowledge of narrative techniques in the text ii.Poetry Raji, S. M. (1991) Ijinle Ofo Ogede ati Aasan, ONIBONOJE PRESS Ofo Awure Ofo Owo Ofo Bi inu Ba ti Run Eniyan Ofo ta a fi n ti Ojo Ofo Arobi Ofo Isoye Ofo Eni ti Ejo bu je Ofo Ta a fi n Da eje Ofo Arinrin Ajo Ofo Asegbe Ofo Ba a Ba ko Ebo Lode Ofo Ta n pe Ti Obinrin ba n Robi OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to i.Deduce logical inferences from abstract relations of components of an idea in a work. ii.Identify the figurative and idiomatic expressions in the poem. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES (b)Written Literature: i.Prose: Okedeji, O. (2000) Agbalagba Akan;Longman. OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to i.Demonstrate good knowledge of ideas in works of art ii.Draw moral lessons from the text. iii.Identify the narrative techniques in the text iv.identify the figurative and idiomatic expressions in the text TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES ii.Poetry: Opadotun. O. (1982) AROFO OPADOTUN, Longman. Ewi : Iba agba Ododo Akanji OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to i.deduce the import of written works of art and games; ii.identify the figurative and idiomatic expressions in the poem. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES i.Drama: Owolabi Olu (2005) Agba ti n yo le da, Evans. OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to i.Identify the central theme of works; ii.Interpret same in accordance with acceptable principles. iii.Identify types of drama iv.Identify the figurative and idiomatic expressions in the drama. v.Extract the narrative techniques in the drama. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES CULTURE (ISESE) 1.Ero ati Igbagbo (Olodumare, akudaya, emere abbl) OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i.Distinguish traditional practices and acceptable ways of life from modern and common sense beliefs TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES 2.Eto iselu ati aabo ilu: (Egbe ati ogba, oye jije, ogun jija abbl) OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i.Assess the functions and roles of individuals, chieftains, and groups in ensuring peace, stability and continuity of society. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES 3.Eto isinku, oku sise ati ogun pinpin OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i.Distinguish between traditional practices; ii.Relate them to funerals and inheritance; Suggest ways to preserve the traditional practices TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES 4.Oge sise: (Ila kiko, ara finfin, tiroo lile abbl) OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i.Interpret graphic representation of cultural practices; ii.Examine the processes of beautification. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES 5.Ayeye (Igbeyawo, isomoloruko, iwuye abbl) OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i.Demonstrate good knowledge of social activities and celebrations; Relate events to appropriate situations TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES 6.Eto Iwosan: (Itoju alaisan, itoju ati igbebi aboyun abbl) OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i.Determine the appropriate health care practices applicable to ailments of members of society; Suggest the best ways of using the appropriate health care practices. TOPIC/CONTENTS/NOTES 7. Aroko (ikilo, itufo ebe abbl) 8. Awon ounje Yoruba (Abari, iyan, ewa abbl) OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i. identify the symbolic relevance of objects of communications; ii. relate certain foods to symbolic meanings TOPICS/CONTENT/NOTES C. Ise abinibi: (Agbe, isona, ilu lilu abbl) OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i. demonstrate adequate knowledge of the various traditional professions; ii. compare various traditional professions. TOPICS/CONTENT/NOTES 9. Iranra-eni-lowo: (Aaro, ebese, owo yiya abbl) OBEJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i. examine various ways of benefitting from communal relationships. TOPICS/CONTENT/NOTES 10. Iwa omoluabi: a) iwa eto omoluabi (Suuru, imoore, ibowo abbl) b) iwa aito (Afojudi, aibikita, ole abbl) OBJECTIVES Candidates should be able to: i. identify acceptable patterns of behaviour and attitude that conform with societal norms and values; ii. suggest ways of inculcating them in society. RECOMMENDED TEXTS LANGUAGE Abiodun Jibola (1995) Aroko ati Aayan ogbufo, Lagos: MAJAB publishers Adewole L. O. Et al (2000) Exam Focus Yoruba language for WASSCE/SSCE. Ibadan: UP Plc Awobuluyi, O. (1978) Essentials of Yoruba Grammar, Ibadan: UP Plc Awobuluyi, O. (1990) Yoruba Metalanguage (Ede-Iperi Yoruba) vol II, Ibadan: UP Plc. Babalola A. (ed) (1991) Iwe Imodotun Yoruba SSI-SSIII, Longman Bamgbose o. (ed) (1984) Yoruba Metalanguage (Ede-Iperi Yoruba) vol I, Ibadan: UP Plc Bamgbose A. (1990) Fonologi ati Girama Yoruba, Ibadan Mustapha O. (ed) (1988) Eko-Ede Yoruba ode-oni SSI-SSIII, Macmillian Mustapha O. (ed) (1991) Eko-Ede Yoruba Titun SSI-SSIII, Yoruba, Ibadan UP Plc Odetokun, Ademola (et. al) (2005) Iwe Igbaradi fun Idanwo Yoruba, Ibadan: Macmillian Owolabi, K. (1989) Ijinle Itupale Ede Yoruba (1) Fonetiki at Fonology, Ibadan: Onibonoje Press Owolabi O. (et. al) (1990) Countdown WASSCE/SSCE, NECO, JME (Iwe igbaradi fun Idanwo Asekagba Yoruba) Ibadan: Evans Oyadeyi O. (1998) Ijinle Fonologi ati Girama ede Yoruba, Ibadan: Heinemann LITERATURE All the prescribed texts are reflected as applicable on the syllabus under Topics/Contents/Notes column. CULTURE Adeoye, C.L (1979) Asa ati Ise Yoruba, Ibadan:OUP Adeoye, C.L (1985) Igbagbo ati Esin Yoruba, Ibadan: Onibonoje Ladele T. A. et al (1986) Akojopo Iwadii Ijinle Asa Yoruba, Ibadan: Macmillian