We have confirmed that JAMB has started sending the main exam slips to 2018 UTME candidates via email.
Candidates are to log on to the email addresses they provided during UTME registration and check for a notification from JAMB. Ensure you check both Inbox and SPAM/JUNK folders.
Please note that not all Exam Slips have been sent, and this will go on in batches. If you have not yet received a mail from JAMB, be patient and keep checking your email address for the mail.
Once you receive the mail and confirm it contains your exam schedule for 2018 UTME, proceed to any Cyber Café to print it out.
Please print 2 Copies of the Exam Slip. You would be required to submit 1 of them at the Exam Centre. You can keep the other one for reference.
If you have NOT received an email from JAMB, do not panic. Official Link To Print JAMB Exam Slip For 2018 UTME Enabled for candidates who are unable to access their exam slip via email to print it from JAMB portal.
If you have printed yours, let us know in the comment section.
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You can find all the JAMB UTME 2024/2025 topics in the JAMB UTME 2024/2025 Syllabus or JAMB UTME 2024/2025 Brochure
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