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JAMB 2015 UTME Guide To Success

Nov, 28Views: 13705

How to be successful in Jamb 2014 Examination and Score 270 and Above

Tip 1. Following the words of the JAMB Registrar after the 2014 exercise, Prof Dibu Ojerinde said: "We have gone digital in JAMB". What he meant by "going digital" is that the Jamb 2015/2016 UTME examination is going to be a Computer Based Test. To avoid surprises in the exam hall, we encourage participants to learn how to operate a computer system which is as simple as ABC. In the examination hall, your computer will be "timed" when it reached the allotted time, it will switch off, even if you have not answer any question! So the call to be fast is needed.

Tip 2. All admission seeking candidates in the Jamb 2014, mostly candidates within the South- Eastern environs are advice to make early registrations for the JAMB 2015/2016 UTME to avoid missing out on available centers. Last session (Jamb 2014), with the record number of 1.8 Million candidates who participated in the examination, Centres were exhausted within three months of registrations, and late registrants were pushed to the North, north east and north central zones of the country to take their examinations. if you are not in the north, i know you don't want to risk going to the North to write your jamb exam, due to the the terror insurgence. A lot of candidates miss the last year jamb exercise due to this problem, so we encourage you to purchase the form as soon as possible.

Tip 3. From statistic, over 1.2 Million Nigerian Students registered and participated in the JAMB 2015/2016 UTME exercise, and not more than 450,000 of these students were admitted, together with over 1.2 million students leaving our various high schools, due to the low amount to candidates who are offered admission last year, we are very sure more than 2 million candidates will participate in the JAMB 2015-2016 UTME exams. We therefore advice candidates to prepare for the competitions. One way to beat it is to Jack your book (read your book).

Tip 4. Power of Jamb Past-Question My dear never neglect the power of past question papers. They reveal some tips and sample questions on what you will be facing in your examination. After the examination that day, some of my friends that finished about 4 years jamb past questions papers told me that about 20 questions each came out from jamb past questions. I was shocked but No second chance for an amendment. So start now to practice some jamb past question.

Tip 5. The JAMB 2015 candidates are advised to stay away from the Most Selected Institutions as outlined below;

  • University Of Lagos (Unilag)
  • University Of Benin (Uniben)
  • University Of Nigeria (UNN)
  • University Of Ilorin (Unilorin)
  • Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. (Unizik)
  • Federal University of Technology, Owerri (Futo)
  • University of Ibadan (UI)
  • University of Port Harcourt (Uniport)

This are popular-one of the popular- institutions in Nigeria. The reason why we advice that you stay away from this universities is to boost your chances of admission, not because you are not intelligent, but because admission slots are very limited, the competition in these institutions is higher and if it is not your catchment area, then your chance of getting admitted is equal to zero. But still, if you must choose any of the above institutions, please also look for Universities that accept 2nd choice and that are not too competitive. Take note of this as you will remember it when Admission commence. Now success tips 6 will show us courses that are very competitive and why you have to ignore them.

Tip 6. All candidates seeking Admission into Tertiary Institutions via the JAMB 2015/2016 UTME exercise are advice to be very careful in their selection of courses, it is no news that the following courses have the highest number of applicants.

  • Medicine And Surgery
  • Economics
  • Accounting
  • Law/Civil Law
  • Pharmacy etc.
  • Mechanical Engr/civil/elect elect etc.

Selecting one of the above means you will be competing with thousands of candidates for the space, which is likely not up to hundreds in all the Institutions. But if you are however interested in any of the above courses, you must learn how to balance your selections appropriately to increase your chances of getting admitted. Ensure you also select courses that has few number of candidates, and by so ding, you can be sure of your Admission and if you so please, you can apply for change of course after been admitted. This is as to boost your chances of admission, not because you are not intelligent, but because slots are limited,competition is higher and you are getting older, plus, ASUU would make you age before time, hence, make hay while the sun shine.

Tip 7. It is important also that you know the accreditation status of the course(s) you want to apply for in the choice Institutions before submitting your application. What is Accreditation of course? Some university offer courses that has not been approved by the National Universities Commission (NUC) , and if you end up in one of those departments, you would have wasted your years for nothing! Because you won't be given any original certificate! For example; Medicine and Surgery has NOT been accredited in the Benue State University, BSUM and many others Universities, and candidates who is admitted into BSUM will end up spending 8+ years in vain. How will you know if your course has been accredited in your choice institution? You can know this from the Jamb 2015 Brochure that will be given to you when you purchase the Jamb 2014-2015 UTME Form. Also you can drop your comment and we will let you know if you are good to go.

Tip 8. Most Institutions requires a cut-off of 240 in the JAMB-UTME. (example of such institution is University of Ilorin ) the minimum cut off for Medicine in Unilorin is 240 and 220+ for major courses, while admission at the University of Ibadan and Unilag begins with your O-Level results, herefore, its very important that you have the basic requirements of the Institution before applying for admission. In fact, this apply to almost all the Institutions in Nigeria. Ensure you have your COMPLETE O'LEVEL RESULTS for your chosen courses before buying Jamb, if you don't have, you are only going to frustrate yourself. Even when you are admitted, you will be screen out after they collect your acceptance fee and school fee.

Tip 9. DO NOT apply for admission into Institutions outside your catchment areas, else, you risk your chance of being admitted.

Tip 10. Take note: Once you have submitted your application form for the JAMB 2015/2016 UTME, there is no more opportunity to initial any change, therefore, we advice candidates to check all the fields properly, including passport, names, first and second institutions, finger prints before submission, because all would be verified before you are admitted for the JAMB 2015 Examination.

Source (#Adapted)

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Comments (15)

By Jay  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 27 2015, 9:45am
Two sitting is possible but not in renown universities like UNILAG, UI, OAU, FUTA etc.

By Benjamin Moses  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 27 2015, 8:21am
Hello! Pls can somebody help me! I want to study economics but I don't have commance in my o'level result and I want to use two seat, is dat possible?

By Jay  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 22 2015, 8:06am
@primus most schools requires one or two Art subjects and other compulsory subjects. So you are on the right track.

By primus  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 22 2015, 2:34am
sir, my o level result has...............eng,maths,lit,econs, govt for PHILOSOSHY. is the combination right?

By Jay  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 20 2015, 5:43pm
I'll go with UI and UNN but from the tone of your comment, I'll say you should calm down a little. I also waited a while before i got admission.
If i may ask how is your preparation level like?

By Uk  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 20 2015, 4:39am
Thanks Jay, but please what advice will you give me in the school to apply for. I just really need this admission now. For over 3 years I have been looki n g for admission.
Now betweeen this 4 just choose one for me, but all are same courses that I want to apply.
UI and UNN
Moreover if you know any lower dept. In science faculty that I can apply for to guarantee quicker admission pls just let me know.
I will like to hear from you b4 finally applying and submitting by tomorrow.

By Jay  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 19 2015, 4:50pm
@Euchariah OAU is competitive and as an easterner, your catchment area score should be lower but like i said previously, work hard. I'll be doing a series of tutorial soon on the forum page soon.

Stay tuned!!!
Good luck.

By Euchariah  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 19 2015, 7:39am
I'm grateful @ Jay. Pls what of obafemi awolowo university,is the school competitive? If I apply for chemistry and put the school as second choice, will I be admitted? And since am from igbo and I heard that the school normally does indigene stuff, what are my chances of admission there or should I go for UNN.

By Prodigy  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 17 2015, 3:21pm
@Olumighty practice more with JAMB CBT softwares before the exam. And good news there is one i know about check it here.

Next week you are going to be seeing a more concise CBT practice portal that will enable you practice for free here at jambcbttest.com/cbt

By Olumighty  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 17 2015, 3:57am
Assuming am a computer illiterate, won't it be difficult for me during the commencement of the Examination?

By Jay  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 16 2015, 4:27pm
@euchariah nwosu industrial chemistry is OK though competitive but a 200 score and above should qualify you and an impressive o'level result is also important.

You can put in for industrial chemistry and work harder.

Good luck!!!
I will like to hear more from you.

By euchariah nwosu  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 15 2015, 6:28pm
I want to apply for industrial chemistry in uni-ibadan, is it advisable and is the course competitive and accreditated in the school. If yes please which lo w er course can I apply to ensure quicker admission pls. Am yet to apply just waiting for an answer inorder to apply pls

By Jay  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Jan 02 2015, 5:05pm
I'm really impressed too!!!

By Bhabhathundhey  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Dec 22 2014, 6:02pm
This is great and lovely Tips. M' very impressed with it. Thanks to the commentator.

By aptitudeexam  •   Like (0)  •  Reply Dec 14 2014, 7:39am
. Finally the secrets on how to write and pass jamb computer based test CBT in flying colours is out and you don't wanna miss this....
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