It is hereby announced for the information of prospective candidates who made Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) their first choice, that the Post UTME Screening Exercise for admission into the 2015/2016 Academic Session will be held on Saturday, 22nd August 2015 at Calabar Campus.
Registration is online.
The Online Registration commences on Monday, 20th July, 2015, and ends onThursday, 20th August, 2015.
To register, Applicants should:
1)Purchase eTranzact Pin at N3,000.00 from any First Bank Branch in Nigeria.
(this excludes Online Registration/Bank Charges)
2)Log on to and click on the crutech postutme online application link.
3)Follow the instructions on the Online Application Portal.
4)Print out the Registration Confirmation Slip after a successful registration.
Items to come along with to the Examination Hall:
1)2015 UTME Original Result Slip with your passport photograph on it.
2)CRUTECH Online Registration Confirmation Slip
3)HB Pencil, Sharpener and Eraser.
1)Only candidates who scored 180 and above in the 2015/2016 UTME Examination are eligible for the Aptitude Test.
2)The CRUTECH Online Registration Confirmation Slip contains your Bio-data,Seat Number, Examination Venue, and This admits you into the Examination Hall.
3)Only candidates who take this Aptitude Test may be admitted into Cross River University of Technology.
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