JAMB mock exam questions for 2023 UTME -
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JAMB Mock Exam Questions For 2023 UTME

Apr, 01Views: 7475

The 2023 JAMB mock exam seems to have gone relatively well going by the updates we received so far on the JAMB 2023 Mock Exam Live Updates thread. Following demands from candidates who did not participate in the JAMB mock exam, we are creating this post to capture some of the questions that were asked in the mock exam. We believe this will help in revision for candidates who did not take the mock, as well as those who took the mock.

The purpose is to give candidates fresh ideas on the kind of questions to expect during the main exam and motivate them towards stepping up their preparation for the main exam that begins on April 29th, 2023. This should not stop candidates from reading their books and practising JAMB Past questions using the 2023 CBT Mobile App and the 2023 CBT Computer Software

Questions from JAMB UTME candidates:

1- in which organism is the flame cell found?
2- which organization is concerned with the conservation of natural resources?
3- in which organism is the lungbook found?
4-Which scientist is concerned with the modern evolution of mutation
5- there was a diagram given and the question was" what is the evidence of evolution in the diagram?
1- what is the dimension of magnitude
There was a question from:
2-Specific heat capacity
3- pressure in fluids
4- capacitance
5- machines where i was told to find mechanical advantage
There were questions on
1- organic chemistry
2- electrolysis
Questions from
1- The life changer
2 opposite in meaninig
3 lexis and structure
4 comprehension and questions
5 nearest in meaning etc.

concerning sulphur
calculating vapor density
naming organic compound
stable equilibrium
circulatory system
opposite in meaning
nearest in meaning
consonant sounds

✓refractive index is 1.5 and we are asked to calculate the angle of refraction if the angle of incidence is 30.
✓ calculation on specific latent heat of fusion
✓ linear expansivity was asked too..mainly the calculation aspect
✓ wave equation was asked
✓ the Charles law
✓ effective capacitance in parallel and series. calculation in each casese
✓simple AC circuits
✓which of the following electrolytes is used in Daniel cell
✓the outermost part of mammalian teeth is?
✓ the blue green algae belongs to which class
A. thallophyta.B man-fluidatophyta c. monera d. protista
✓. which of the following is is the female s*x cell
✓ apple is categories as ?
✓ the definition of adaptation
✓ structure of animal cell was set too
then they asked us to label endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria
✓the extcretory organ of planaria
✓ larmack theory of use and disuse
✓i saw more questions on calculation basically mole concept...
✓calculation on solubility
✓naming of organic compound
✓ application of polymerization was asled too
✓ the differences between fat and oil
✓which of the following metals cannot form amalgam
A. zinc
B. aluminum
C. fe
D. cu
✓ the catalyst used in contact process
✓ the catalyst used in hydrogenation
✓ le chatelier principle was asked too... though mainly the application
✓ writing of equilibrium constant
✓ effect of change in temperature on equilibrium
✓ separation techniques
✓ calculation on the mass of substance deposited during electrolysis
✓The equation at the anode during the electrolysis of cupper sulphate
✓ identification of oxidizing and reducing agents
✓ balancing of redox reaction
✓ calculation of oxidation number of an element in a compound.
English language
The life changer
all about the usual lexis and structure, sounds and those grammar, then just one passage amd one register. the English was quite simple..

1. Absalom declared himself king at
a. Geshon b. Samaria c. Jerusalem d. Hebron
2. The act of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples shows a form of
a. Master-servant relationship b. Autocracy c. Servant relationship d. Democracy
3. The Israelites who were present at Mount Carmel did what when they saw the flames
a. stoned Elijah b. were terrified c. bowed down and worshipped Yahweh d. tried to put the fire out
4. One of Solomon's unwise decisions was that of
a. use of forced labor b. a healthy relationship with other nations c. building of the temple d. engaging in battles with other nations
5. Among the criteria for appointing the deacons were
a. wisdom and courage b. wisdom and the holy spirit c. circumcision d. self-preservation
6. According to John, after Jesus turned water into wine what happened
a. the disciples fled b. he warned them to tell no one of this c. the disciples believed in him d. mary loved her son more

Questions from
1 Nearest and opposite in meaninig
2 lexis and structure
3 comprehension and questions
1. At the end of the novel, who was it decided that would break the news to the Dad?
2. When did the dad arrive in the novel?
3. Which of the following decribes Mohammed Kabir?
4. What did the author of the life changer study?
5. What is the full meaning of EMAL?
6. From the novel, Habib can be said to be a……….?
1. Which of the following is known as the emergency hormone
2. Which of the following reduces competition among members of a specie?
3. What develops into the seed of a flowering plant?
4. Which of these is an evidence of modern theory of evolution?
5. The theory that girraffes will develop long neck was postulated by ?
6. Which of the following is an example of Morphological variation
7. Which of these Insects have boring mouth part?
8. Desert can be found in which of these Nigerian states?
9. Which of these animals use stinging as defense?
10. Which blood group is known as the universal recipient?
11. The spinal cord is protected by…………………?
12. ……………. converts nitrites to nitrates
13. Animals found on the tree top are called?
14. …………… is when a harmless organism appears to be a harmful organism?
15. The outermost part of the tooth is?
16. Plants possessing pneumatophores grown in…………..?
17. An apple is a …………. type of fruit?
18. At what stage of mitotic division does the chromosome lie along the equator?
19. Poor growth, reddish colouration, are visible in plants lacking?
20. In the stem of plants, what is responsible for gaseous exchange?
21. Which of the following carry deoxygenated blood?.
Ans: Pulmonary artey
22. Diagram of the Flame Cell in the Planaria.
23. Diagram of animal cell. – Identify Mitochondria and Rough Endoplasmic Recticulum
24. If a man with blood group O marries a woman with blood group AB, what are the possible blood groups of their children?
1. The vigorous oxidation of primary alkanol yields?
2. The metallic part of clay is?
3. Which of the following metals would not form amalgam?
4. The restructuring of organic compounds to convert it from straight to branched chain is called?
5. Which indicator would be used for the following reaction and what colour would it give?
6. Identify Reducing/ Oxidizing agents in equations
7. Calculations involving volume/mole/molar concentration
8. Which of the will exhibit the most electronegative character?
a ) Al b) Si c) P d) S
9. Hydrolysis of organic nitriles will yield?
10. The bomb calorimeter makes use of which of the following?
ans: Combustion
11. How many isomers of C4H9OH will be a tertiary alkanol?
12. Oxides of non-metals give?
ans: Acidic oxides
13. Name the compound CH3CH2COOCH3
14. In the reaction 2SO2 + O2 -X-- 2SO3 , X is?
15. Which of these make oils distinguished from fats?
ans: Oils contain a higher proportion of unsaturation
16. If at a temperature of 120oC, the rate of formation of a product is 40cm3sec-1, what will be the new rate of formation of the product at 130oC
17. Calculations for solubility in mol/dm-3
18. The characteristic crystalline shape of solid water is due to?
a )Ionic bond b) dative bond c) hydrogen bond d) vander waals bond
19. N , H2S , CO2 , Cl Which is soluble at room temperature?
20. Which of the following is not easily hydrolysed by dilute acids
ans: Cellulose
21. Calculations involving Keq (Equilibrum constant)
22. The purest form of natural water is?
23. The most polluted form of water is?
24. The purest form of amorphous carbon is?
25. The compound of copper used for electroplating is ?
26. The most abundant rare gas is?
27. The ability of an organic compound to form multiple bonds with itself is?
ans: Catenation
1. Which of the following is not a mechanical wave?
a ) Water wave b) radio wave c) sound wave d) waves on a string
2. The unit of the moment of couple is?
3. Which of these is an advantage of the alcohol thermometer to the mercury thermometer?
ans: Low freezing point
4. Find the velocity ratio of a screw jack with pitch 0.3cm and arm length of 6cm
5. Which of the following properly describes photoelectric effect?
6. In a Capacitor, the current leads the voltage by?
7. Calculations involving mass, volume, and density
8. Calculate the Total capacitance connected in series, 4uF, 4uF, 4uF (Diagram)
9. Calculation involving force constant, and energy stored in a spring
10. If two plane mirrors are positioned side by side, the number of images formed is 8. At what angle are they positioned ?
11. Calculations involving linear expansivity
12. A uniform metre rule AB has a knife edge balanced at 60m away from B, when a load of 22g is kept 10m away from A, what is the weight of the metre rule?
13. A pin floats on water due to which phenomenon?
14. Which of the following describes photoelectric effect?
15. A DC and an AC have basically the same components, except that in the DC, there is the …..?
16. Which of these is the function of the p-n junction diode?
17. Calculation involving heat loss, heat gain, and latent heat
18. Calculation involving power, volt, and resistance
19. A boy 2m west, and then 2m south. What is his displacement?

there was a question about the main function of decree 34 of 1966 was
the document that is issued to shreholders after getting a share in a public liability comapny is (Memorandum of association)

questions i could remember for mock crs 2023
1.where did the lord appear to solomon in the dream____?
2.the first place the disciples were called Christians______?
3.the priest who found the book of law,in the time of Josiah_______?
4.david took Jerusalem from _______?
5.the word "cup"means what in the book of Matthew?
6.the forbihition eating forbidden fruit stresses Gods----------?

English language
*Life Changer
*Emphatic stress
*Synonyms and Antonyms
*Public opinion
*pre colonial
*pressure group
*public corporation
*civil service
*Political parties and Local govt
*Balance of scale return
*Quantity demand
*private and public limited liability company
*free market economy
*supply curve
*localisation of supply
*Percentage error
*Geometric progression/Arithmetic progressive
*Median,mode and mean
*quadratic equation

The passage was about covid 19 and the lexis and structure was about a marriage. It was easy.
it followed the usual format and looked more like a common entrance exam thatn JAMB
There were questions about:
which nigerian president contributed to the development of ECOWAS.
Main function of OPEC
Civil srvice commision
what year did nigeria formally break diplomatic relation with britain (I just know it wasn't 1960), options were 1960, 1967, 1962 and 1961
which international organization suggested privitization to nigeria
the most effective measure to control inflation
types of population census
How to calculate marginal product, elasticity of demand, variance and percentage change in a population
LOOK BACK IN ANGER 5 questions
which age was the worthiest in the novel, options are Edwardian age, victorian age, Elizabethian age, romantic age
the novel is known to have a mixture of what, options Traditional and madernity, Realism and naturalism
what other job does nii have other thatn working at the bank
the major struggle were between which organizations in the novel, options MUSLIMS, CHRISTIAN and SAHM BROTHERHOOD (there were two questions on the religious study)
Reason behind cat**'s madness and death
which setting in the novel is known for its wind (Wuthering heights)
who is regarded as both a villian and an hero
LION AND THE JEWEL 5 questions
what was sidi carrying
Why did lakunle complain about her carrying it
the rest is about the character and role of sadiku
after sidi sees her picture, how did she react, (vain and obssessed)
ALL THE POEMS HAVE 1 questions each
what was the writers attitude at the end of the poem JOURNEY OF THE MAGI, oprtions like, resolution, satisfaction and uneasiness
there was an extract for the BLACK WOMEN
there was and extract for the THE GOVERNMENT DRIVER
what was the figurative device used in the last 3 lines of the poem
what type of verse was used in BATS
what did the women use to carry their sorrow in THE SONG OF THE WOMEN OF MY LAND (Ans: POETRY)
there was an extract for THE GRIEVED LAND OF AFRICA ( the last 5 lines)
what is the raider in THE RAIDER OF THE TREASURE GROVE
what does the expression grave of dreams mean in CAGED BIRD
in what age was THE GOOD MORROW set in, options, Edwardian age, victorian age, Elizabethian age, romantic age
UNSEEN POETRY 2 questions
about a man begging a monarch to spare his life because of his wife and children
UNSEEN PROSE 3 questions
POETRY 5 questions
1 question about a lyrical poem
2 questions about poetic lisence EETC...

what is the range of 1/4 2/6 2/12
3log8x+9logbase 8 3 x =3
differentiate 1+2x/1+x
number base
finding the mode and median of tabular data and frequency
pir chart
finding gradient
finding determinant of a 3 by 3 matrix
percentage error
Gradient of a curve
formulas connecting direct and indirect variation
Finding quotient of a polynomial
What is the value of a vat of 4.5 percent of 100000
Factorisation of polynomials
Addition of mixed fractions
life changer
This is by far not a small feat means
omar said there is always a silver lining means
Who is omar immediate younger sister
The writer dedicated her book to
What food was considered as the students favourite
What did Umni descrihe Zaki as
Who told Unmi the story of Talle
Omar got admission to what university
what did Unmi husband want to intially study
opposite in meaning
test of orals
Stress and stress pattern
Types of placentation
Fruits that show types of placentation
The tough elastic Semi transparent tissue of devoid Vessels and nerves
is called
what animal has lungbook for its respiration
Food chain and food web
which proves that lizards are more evolutionary advanced than toad
Blood circulation in Periplanta ameeicana is
The hormone that prevents parenthocorapy
stratification is a characteristic of
succesion on bare surface is
Naming of hydrocarbons
electrolysis calculations
Differentiation of oxides
Hydrogen diffuses 5 times as which gas

formula representation of hooke's law
calculations on acceleration, machine, critical angle, threshold frequency, linear expansivity.
optical instruments for viewing ?
questions on relative molecular mass.
two questions i can remember
CH3cooH+ PCL5--->Y
what's Y?
cr2O7^2- +14H + X-->2cr^3+ +7H20
what's X?.
what's the advantage of soapy detergent over soapless detergent?.
iupac naming of this compound.
ch3( ch2)4coo( ch2)2 ch3.
which of this is amphoteric?
cuo, sno...
comprehension on covid 19.
"spectre of death" how was this expression used?
life changer.
who was going to school
a. salma
c. ummi.
d. jamilah.
what was Omar's father work?
what's the meaning of c'est tres bien?.
what's the meaning of EMAl?
we were asked to identity a particular kind of finger print.
finger print can be used in.
a crime detection.b parternity.. c.

1.. calculate the vapour density of carbon monoxide ( C=12,O=16)
2.. calculate the mass of two moles of nacl (Na=23,Cl=35.5)
3... pollutants that contributes to the depletion of ozone layer nitrogen cycle, agrobacterium converts nitrates to gaseous nitrogen through a process called
5...The by-product of saponification of fatty acids is
6...what mass of hydrogen in required for the conversion of propyne to propane
7.. washing soda dissolve aluminum utensils by
8..when a stream of air is passed through heated copper and caustic soda, the residual gas is mainly...
Most of the calculations in chemistry are organic chemistry
questions from life changer
1.."whether you are right or wrong,just grease his palms"this excerpt refers to
2..omar secured admission in which school
3.. EMAL means
4..C' est tres bien means
5.. The author refers zaki as a
6.. According to the novel,who was going to the university ( omar is not in the option given but unmi is there)
The rest are nearest in meaning and opposite in words, Comprehension passage, Register and emphatic stress
1... dimension of a momentum
2...The motion that concern with irregular movement of an object or body with no specific direction is
3...The amount of moisture in air compared to what the air can hold at a temperature is
4... The vibration produced in a body when the body is made to vibrate with a frequency other than its own natural frequency is
while the calculations are based on linear expansion, waves,e.t.c
Most of the questions that came out in mine was diagram

1. Biology: When the original king and queen of termites die, they are replaced by
A. the king and queen of another colony
B. some adult reproductives from the same colony
C. some adult workers which are specially fed to breed
D. developing nymphs nurtured as secondary reproductive
2. The spinal cord is protected by…………………?
3. The blue green algae belongs to which class
A. thallophyta.B man-fluidatophyta c. monera d. protista
4.PLants with high resistance to diseases are developed using?
5. The theory that girraffes will develop long neck was postulated by ?
6. Relationship between fungus and algae is called?
7. Mucilage is an excretory product of?
Blood vessel gor conveying blood from region of the head to the heart is?
8. Circulation from heart to all parts of the body and back to the heart is?
9. Which of the following carry deoxygenated blood?.
✅Pulmonary artery
10. Which organization is concerned with the conservation of natural resources?
11. In which organism is the lungbook found?
12. Which scientist is concerned with the modern evolution of mutation
13. What kind of receptors send send steady fire signal to the brain with increase in temperature?
14. Which part of the flower produces female gametes that develops into seed?
15. The neuron connecting afferent and efferent impulse is?
16. In which organism is the flame cell found?
17. A functionless structure in man is?
18. Feathers in birds used for flying and steering is?
19. The outermost part of mammalian teeth is?
20. If a man with blood group O marries a woman with blood group AB, what are the possible blood groups of their children?
21. which of the following is is the female s*x cell
22. Apple is categorized as?
23. What develops into the seed of a flowering plant?
1. Half life of a plutonium is 138 days. If 400×10⁷ atoms of plutonium exist, what is the remaining number of atoms after 512 days?
2. Advantage of using alcohol as thermometric liquid is?
If the Refractive index is 1.5, calculate the angle of refraction when the angle of incidence is 30.
3. What is the dimension of magnitude
4. State the formula representation of hooke's law.
5. A uniform metre rule AB has a knife edge balanced at 60m away from B, when a load of 22g is kept 10m away from A, what is the weight of the metre rule?
6. What's the advantage of soapy detergent over soapless detergent?
1. Impurities that accompany ethane in its lab preparation is?
2. In production of terylene, polyester from its monomers, by product is?
3. A uniform metre rule AB has a knife edge balanced at 60m away from B, when a load of 22g is kept 10m away from A, what is the weight of the metre rule?
4. The unit of the moment of couple is
5. A boy 2m west, and then 2m south. What is his displacement?
6. If two plane mirrors are positioned side by side, the number of images formed is 8. At what angle are they positioned ?
7. A DC and an AC have basically the same components, except that in the DC, there is the …..
8. In the extraction of Zinc, which material is not used?
9. The major constituent of alnico is?
10. which of the following metals cannot form amalgam
A. zinc
B. aluminum
C. fe
D. cu
11. the differences between fat and oil
12. The catalyst used in contact process
13. The catalyst used in hydrogenation
14. Which of the will exhibit the most electronegative character?
a ) Al b) Si c) P d) S
1. English: Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
Until he lost the election, agbo ....... to be Student Union president?
A. had been hoping
B. has been hoping
C. would have hoped
D. has hoped
1. At the end of the novel, who was it decided that would break the news to the Dad?
2. When did the dad arrive in the novel?
3. Which of the following decribes Mohammed Kabir?
4. What is the full meaning of EMAL?
5. Habib can be said to be a……….?
6. who was going to school in the option below
a. Salma
b. Teemah.
c. Ummi.
d. Jamilah.
7. what was Omar's father work?
8. What did the author of the life changer study?
9. what's the meaning of c'est tres bien?

1. Absalom declared himself king at
a. Gershon b. Samaria c. Jerusalem d. Hebron
2. The act of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples shows a form of
a. Master-servant relationship b. Autocracy c. Servant relationship d. Democracy
3. The Israelites who were present at Mount Carmel did what when they saw the flames
a. stoned Elijah b. were terrified c. bowed down and worshipped Yahweh d. tried to put the fire out
4. One of Solomon's unwise decisions was that of
a. use of forced labor b. a healthy relationship with other nations c. building of the temple d. engaging in battles with other nations
5. Among the criteria for appointing the deacons were
a. wisdom and courage b. wisdom and the holy spirit c. circumcision d. self-preservation
6. According to John, after Jesus turned water into wine what happened ?
a. the disciples fled b. he warned them to tell no one of this c. the disciples believed in him d. mary loved her son more
7."...Out of the belly of Sheol I cried and thou didst hear my voice..." who made this statement
a. Jonnah b. Ezekiel c. Jeremiah d. Jonah
8. Daniel was thrown to the lion's den for disobeying the commandment of not worshipping
a. the statue b. Nebuchadnezzar c. Darius d. God
9. The attitude shown by the rich f**l is one of
a. laziness b. ignorance c. adultery d. hatred
10. "... I am the Lord thy God, there is no other God except me..." This excerpt shows
a. might b. sovereignty c. love d.loyalty
11. "... leave the dead to bury their dead..." this means
a. the dead are asleep must be fully devoted to the word of God c. no Christian shall attend burials d. the dead do not need burials.
12. Who was Ashpenaz?
a. Daniels friend b. Darius eunuch c. head of eunuchs of nebuchadnezzar d. the statue
13. Jesus said lookind lustfully at a woman was also committing the sin of
a. idolatry b. adultery c. covetousness d. death.

Choose the appropriate stress pattern for the following
1. Bureaucratic
a. BUreaucratic b. buREAUcratic c. bureauCRAtic d. bureaucraTIC
2. Transition
a. TRANsition b. tranSItion c.transiTION d. TRAnsition
Emphatic stress
1. Does your daughter play the PIANO every day?
a.Does your son play the piano every day?
b. Does your daughter play the guitar every day?
c. Does your child play the piano every day?
d. Does your daughter play the strings regularly?

1. Omar's immediate younger sister is
a.Jamila b. Teemah c. Aminat d. Salma
2. "...Their dressing left very little to the imagination..." This means that their mode of dressing was
a. modest b. indecent c. funny d. colorful
3. Who was entering the university?
a. Teemah b. Ummi c. Jamila d. Salma
4. What does "C'est tres bien" mean?
a. good morning b. this is good c. that's very good d. goodbye
5. What is Ummi's full name?
a. Ahmed b.Ahmad c.Abdul d. Lawal
6. When Omar said, " ... there's a silver lining in the cloud..." he meant
a. when there is an opportunity grab it b. clouds are sometimes silver c. in every difficulty, there is an advantage d. it is a small achievement

7. Which University did Omar gain admission to?
a. Kongo University b. Ahmadu Bello University c. Obafemi Awolowo University d. University of Ibadan
8. "He did not matter if it was right or wrong, just grease his palms". this is in reference to
a. Dr Kabir b. Dabo c. Honorable Habib d. Zaki
9. Zaki was a ...
a. robber b. playr c. lover d. thug

The largest record of state creation was in
A. 1976 B. 1967 C. 1987 D. 1996
The major problem of pre-colonial societies was
A. Lack of clear boundaries B. Lack of effective system of administration C. Lack of system of taxation D. Lack of effective system of adjucation
Membership of the National Defense Council does not include
A.State governors B.President C.Vice President D.Chief of Air Staff

6. She is a woman of great WISDOM
A. Perception
B. Imprudence
C. Indiscretion
D. Comprehensibility

According to John,instead of breaking Jesus' legs after his death,the soldier pierced his side with a lance from whence flowed
A. Blood B. Blood and wine C. Blood and water D. Water
In condemning same sex union,the Lord in Leviticus called it a/an
A. Taboo B. Abomination C. Curse D. Mental problem

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Quadratic Equation:
Ax2 + Bx + C = 0
A =
B =
C =
X1 =
X2 =

Credit: Samuel George



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